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What retailers need to know about the Green Recovery Plan

2 years later, the retail industry is still feeling the impact of Covid-19 in various ways. Rocking the industry to its core, businesses had no choice but to adapt.

In a plan laid out by the UK Government, in the wake of Covid, businesses have been asked to go further and now adapt to meet new ambitious sustainability targets. 

What is the Green Recovery Plan?

“The Green Recovery is the name given to a series of economic recovery measures aligned with achieving long-term climate change and sustainability objectives, to move toward a sustainable and economic model for the planet, which is both more resilient and inclusive.” – Iberdrola (2022).

A green recovery plan focuses on policies and solutions that will benefit people and the planet for years and years to come. Safeguarding the environment, through protecting ecosystems and fighting the climate crisis, is a big part of it, but so is investing in clean-energy jobs, ensuring everyone’s health, safety, and civil rights, and prioritising climate justice.

What can businesses do to achieve these goals? 

The first step is to put sustainability at the heart of your business. This means putting the environment at the forefront of your mind when making decisions. Some businesses fall prey to “greenwashing” where companies advertise their sustainability values without having concrete data to back them up. In a world where social media scrutiny can cancel a brand, having statistics and data to showcase your sustainable efforts is crucial.

Set realistic and aspirational goals to keep your team working towards reaching and exceeding those sustainability targets. The first step could simply be recycling all waste your organization generates. Whatever small steps you make can contribute to your goals make sure to recognise your staff’s progress!

“Making sure the organization can implement the principles of the circular economy (reduce, reuse, refurbish, repair, and recycle) will be key to realizing change.” McKinsey (2021).

If you work in the hospitality industry, here at Eco Contract, we can support your business by providing mattress recycling services alongside supplying 90-95% recycled mattresses to give you a boost in achieving your sustainability goals. 
Want to find out more? Click the link.